From my personal blog...
5 May 2010
A series of choices
I have started reading a book called "Everyday JusticeIn addition to this I have really been challenged about how I care for and look after my body. One of my pet hates all my life is people who pick holes in the obvious mistakes or sins, but either ignore or cover up the not so obvious (but just as sinister, if not more) faults or sins. Take for instance smoking and obesity. Very often you will hear people espousing their views on how bad smoking is, and that it is a vice, yet on the other hand overlook the just as drastic health problem of over-eating, gluttony and obesity. I used to be of the belief that 'oh well I have one life, one body, may as well make the most of it, use and abuse and enjoy, it will return to dust.' Just lately I have come to realize that if my faith is at the core of my being, then lifestyle choices such as healthy food and exercise decisions should also be governed by my beliefs. I need to demonstrate self-control and care for my body. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit and should be maintained. Check out these posts (1) (2) by "tall skinny kiwi" that have challenged me.
I am overweight (never used to be a problem until I got married!) and so I am taking steps to be more active in my lifestyle choices and also control the intake & choice of food. And with the help of MyFitnessPal (online & on my
Life is a series of choices, and I want mine to add up to "Well done good & faithful servant."
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